1. Check your accounts often

Login to your online accounts regularly or set regular reminders to make sure your details are up to date and that any transactions are accurate. You can access your accounts with us through our website, using Member Online. If you have any concerns about your account information in Member Online, please contact your Member Services Centre on 13 43 72.

2. Use strong passwords and change them regularly

A strong password is at least eight characters long with a combination of numbers, letters and symbols. It's important to use different passwords for different accounts and keep your passwords protected. Using the same password across several sites such as your online banking and social media accounts may be easier to remember, but it can increase your risk. If someone learned your password, they could then access several of your accounts.

3. Secure your devices

You might own a range of devices including computers, smart phones or tablets. To keep your devices secure, make sure you have the relevant security software and keep it up to date. It's always a good idea to lock your devices with a passcode or password, even if they stay inside your home. When you use your online accounts such as Member Online, try not to use a public computer or public Wi-Fi internet connection. Always remember to log out of your account and close your browser when you've finished.

4. Protect your email account

If a hacker gains access to your email account, they may be able to access more of your accounts and use your email to change your passwords. In general, beware of any emails you are not expecting or receive from someone you don't know. Hackers can send emails made to look like they are from well-known organisations, including banks and financial institutions, asking for your account information. These are known as 'phishing' emails. Always check the links in any emails before you click on them. To do this, simply hover your mouse cursor over the link and an address will appear. If the address is different to the one typed in the link, don't click it.

Emails from GESB won't contain a link to Member Online unless you've requested a change such as a change of password or email address. If you have a Member Online account, always log in by typing gesb.com.au in your browser and then clicking the 'Login' button. You can ensure that the web address is correct by checking that it starts with mol.gesb.wa.gov.au.

5. Protect your identity and privacy

To keep your information more secure, check your privacy and security settings on all of your accounts, including your social media accounts. Most social media websites have dedicated pages, like the ones listed below, where you can find out, for example, how to access, update and remove any personal information.

Don't share any of your account details with anyone you don't know and trust, or email your personal information to them. It's also best to shred or destroy your printed personal information before disposing of it.

When you're using Member Online, you can always check that your information is secure by ensuring that a padlock symbol appears next to the website address in your browser. If you have any concerns about your Member Online account, please contact your Member Services Centre on 13 43 72.

1 Annual Cyber Threat Report, 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, ACSC.

Page last updated 29 April 2022